If you or a loved one are Arrested or are the Target of an Investigation You have the right to an attorney - Use this right!
We defend adults, juveniles, professionals, college students, military personnel, public employees, and anyone else who faces serious charges in state court. Here is a list of offenses we can help you with:
If you meet the following criteria, you are entitled to petition the court for an expungement (dismissal) of your criminal conviction whether the conviction was for a felony, misdemeanor or infraction:
1. You were convicted in State NOT Federal Court.
2. You did not serve ANYTIME in State Prison as a result of your conviction. This does NOT include local or County Jail.
3. You are no longer on Informal or Formal probation as a result of the conviction which means you completed all terms of probation successfully.
4. You did not violate any of your probation terms.
5. You are not currently facing a new offense.
6. You are currently not on informal or formal probation for a new criminal offense
7. You are not serving a sentence for a new criminal offense. (California Penal Code: 286(c), 288, 288.5, 289(j), and 261.5(d) which all involve serious sex offenses with minor children are not eligible for expungement)